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Control Center

Configuring the Password

  1. Open the config.toml file in the directionalscalper/controlcenter/ directory in a text editor: nano config.toml
  2. Add or update the [credentials] section with your desired password: [credentials] password = "your_password_here"
  3. Save the file and close the editor.

Starting the Streamlit Dashboard

To start the Streamlit dashboard (Control Center) for Directional Scalper, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to the directionalscalper/controlcenter/ directory: cd directionalscalper/controlcenter/
  2. Ensure you have Streamlit installed. If not, you can install it using: pip install streamlit
  3. Run the dashboard using Streamlit: streamlit run
  4. The dashboard will prompt for a password. You need to configure this password in the config.toml file located in the same directory.

Accessing the Dashboard

Once the dashboard is running, you can access it through your web browser by navigating to the local URL provided by Streamlit (usually http://localhost:8501). Ensure that your firewall or network settings allow access to this port if you are accessing it remotely.